Sunday, August 17, 2008

A few words of introduction

I enjoy cooking and have been enjoying it for a few years now. The general rule of my kitchen is "you take what you have" (this sounds so much better in Norwegian). Sometimes "you take what you have to" because not everything can be stored forever. Apart from modern cucumbers - these stay the same for weeks, somehow.

Most of my recipes are based on recipes from books, and nearly everything has been researched on the web. Google is a handy tool there.

I use little salt and a lot of freshly crushed black pepper. Not out of snobbishness - it simply tastes better.

I will be glad for comments, so that I know my posts are being read. I write in English in case my Polish friends would like to read this. This also explains why my language is a little bit awkward. I might switch to Norwegian, if none of you Poles bothers to read.

Bon Appétit! Vel bekomme! Smacznego!


white elephant said...

Congratulations on your new blog! I love the idea! Tampenade you made to my party last Saturday was absolutely delicious. Not only tampenade. You ARE the right person to write about food. I’ve just found the idea for tomorrow’s lunch. And I’m definitely coming back for more!
Buziaki :)

Lady Mju said...

Thank you for your kind words. *blushes*
So what's for lunch today?

Ida Bebida said...

your english is very good. indeeeeed.

jeg tror jeg kan en setning på jeg kan ikke rettskriving. skjønner du hva jeg sier, hvis jeg skriver: lubie grope dupy, ale nie a chlopakow... ? hehe

gleder meg til å følge med på bloggen!

Lady Mju said...


Arnfinn Pettersen said...

Du blir lest. Du blir herved kommentert. Du vil bli reklamert for. Jeg vil ha mat.

Lady Mju said...

Arnfinn: takk for den hyggelige kommentaren. Noen bestemte retter du har i tankene?

Arnfinn Pettersen said...

Du kjenner meg. Jeg spiser det meste. Bare det er godt. Og mye. Hyggelig selskap hjelper også.