Friday, August 22, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things, part 1

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings...

No wait. I was to write about food and cooking and such.
Here comes my fovorite numero uno: Citrus fruits.

Lemon makes the simples of refreshments - lemon water; it spices up all kinds of fish and seafood; slices cut in four make a great additive in salads (e.g. my couscous and apple salad); zest is important in green lentil soup. What is left after squeezing the juice is also the best means to remove strong/unpleasant scents from your fingers.

Lime - fashionable and omnipresent like the new pesto, or maybe it is the new wasabi? Despite the hype it is useful: just think of lime water; the healthiest of salad dressings may be lime juice and black pepper.

Orange & grapefruit - handy snacks inbetween meals; oranges are make the simplest of desserts when served sliced with a pinch of cinnamon. Not to forget about pomelos, klemntines and mandarines (does anyone still remember those?)

Now I will have to eat some of the above ;-)


Ida Bebida said...

Kanel på appelsin?
Aldri hørt den kombien før. Er det virkelig godt? Must try.

Lady Mju said...

Det er kjempegodt, tro meg. Bare prøv. Du skjærer appelsinen i skiver og strør litt kanel på. Enkelt og godt :)